enRoute Program

Be part of this new year-round leadership program for high school students who have completed Step-Out, CIT, or LIT that builds on Qwanoes’ summer leadership training with potential to impact the rest of your life! Be encouraged, challenged, and inspired as you navigate your high school years and seek to live and share life like no other in Christ.

What is the purpose of the enRoute program?

Following in the footsteps of Jesus… It can be very difficult being a young Christ-follower in a world that thinks very differently about the purpose of life and how people should live. The enRoute program is a ten-month program designed with these challenges in mind, offering many valuable benefits to those who take part.

Enjoy being connected with others your own age who want to follow Christ with the example and encouragement of experienced leaders. Gain solid spiritual foundations that will guide you in life. Learn how to make a difference in God’s Kingdom in the here and now, and gain a vision for your life. All along the way, receive support and encouragement from a team of leaders who really care.

The enRoute program offers a unique opportunity for high school students to build on what they learn in leadership programs at camp in the summer and to continue to grow and develop as a leader between summers. This program has been initiated by Camp Qwanoes in partnership with churches and the Fellowship Pacific Ministry Centre. 

What are the components of the enRoute program?

The enRoute program, like all Qwanoes youth leadership programs, includes a caring community (belonging), solid spiritual foundations (growth), and making a difference (ministry).

CARING COMMUNITY. Stay strong in your faith as part of a community that cares for you, holds you accountable, and that will be present throughout the year to provide support, guidance, and encouragement for life’s challenges. You will not be alone as you grow in your faith and develop a solid foundation that can withstand the hard things in life. Experience the camaraderie of being part of a group of Christ-followers your own age through one-on-one relationships, special events, and online connections.

SOLID SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS. See how Jesus’ life and teachings apply to all aspects of life in this generation and learn how to develop a deeper intimacy with God. You will gain a stronger understanding of essential topics that are relevant to all young Christ-followers, as well as have the opportunity to do some personalized training according to your specific interests. Build on the foundational spiritual instruction offered in our summer leadership programs through one-on-one discipleship, learning in community, and growth-focused curriculum.

MAKING A DIFFERENCE. Put your faith into action! Develop a spiritual walk that has both substance and sustainability. It’s a key component of the enRoute program. You will experience ministry that challenges you, helps you grow in character, and expands your thinking. Be exposed to causes or issues that you could become passionate about through church ministry, camp ministry, and other ministries. 

How is the enRoute program set up?

The enRoute Program is a 10-month program that runs from early September until late June the following year. The year between Step-Out and CIT is considered Year One of the enRoute program. The first entry point to the enRoute program is after completion of Step-Out. The year between CIT and LIT is considered Year Two of the enRoute program. The second entry point is after completion of the CIT program. Being involved in Year One is not required to be part of Year Two. The year after LIT, for those still in high school, is considered Year Three.

What is provided for enRoute program students?

The cost of $162 (plus GST) for the enRoute program includes all events from September to June and program materials. Transportation is not included (note that financial assistance may be available).

How to apply:

The enRoute program is for high school students (ages 15 to grade 12) who want to follow Christ and have successfully completed one of Qwanoes’ summer leadership programs (Step-Out, CIT, LIT). Applicants should have the intent to continue through Qwanoes’ summer leadership programs as able and must be willing to make the commitment required for admission.

Click here for the enRoute program application. Complete and email to Ben Laird (Youth Leadership Programs Coordinator) at ben@qwanoes.ca and you will hear back from us shortly!