One season ends and another begins!

An amazing night of great food, fireworks, and hanging out at Qwanoes!

Our campers are back in school and we are gearing up for Road Tour… it feels like just yesterday when our campers were on the grounds enjoying summer camp! Just a couple weeks ago now we completed our ninth and final week of summer camps – and what a grand finale it was! Youth Camp is always such an extra special week. The weather was ideal…especially the last full day where we enjoyed an outdoor banquet and fireworks.

Sunday, September 4th was a very sad day at Qwanoes as it was the last day of what was an amazing summer with over 3700 amazing kids. All of us at Qwanoes already can’t wait for the next summer. Until then, we invite you to a fall retreat, a Road Tour event…and we will be praying that all of our campers have a great start back to school. We would like to send a BIG thank you out to all our campers and staff for making summer 2011 so special! THANK YOU!

Our students have just arrived and the Kaléo Leadership Program is well underway. On Wednesday our leadership students rolled in from as far away as Newfoundland and as close as Vancouver. We are just loving the energy these students bring. Our hope for them this year is that they would hear God’s voice and discover His will for their life. That’s what the word “Kaléo” is all about! “voice” and “to be called.” The theme for the Kaléo program is “inspired for life, called to lead” – and we have confidence that it is going to happen for all of these leadership students. It’s been non- stop action since they arrived…settling in, staff and student day, orientation, meeting their church they will be serving at and activity training today, just to name a bit of their schedule so far. Tomorrow we will be packing our backpacks and getting ready for our backpacking trip at Mt. Albert Edward. It promises to be an awesome adventure, and a great way to learn about leadership and get to know each other even more! Our student’s year is going to be filled with academics, ministry, leadership development, community and lots more adventures! Stay tuned…

Our Qwanoes leadership students have arrived!