Summer at Qwanoes…there’s nothing like it!

Campers hanging out with the squirrel at the qrok tower!

It’s tuck time at Qwanoes right now and that means the “Squirrel” (Russ Smith) is in the nest at the qrok Tower blasting the tunes!  What’s playing right now? It sounds to me like it is “Out Of This World” our theme song for summer 2010 – what a great song! Campers are hanging out on the field enjoying tuck, listening to music and soaking in the rays. Later tonight we will all come together for a giant BBQ on the main field! Burgers, hotdogs, chips, watermelon and all the fixings! And then right after dinner it will be carnival time with “Greylocks Magical Extravaganza”! It is such a great day to be at Qwanoes!!

The challenge course is a great place to hang out on a nice hot summer day, the trees tower above you and provide a canopy of shade to play in.  I started off my walk through the challenge course at the “Sky Scraper” as three girls were being raised to 80 feet up in the air! Once at the top, they were motioned to pull the cord which releases them to fly through the air, 1 pull, 2 pull, 3 pull and then SWOOSH! The girls flew past the ground and back up again! The screams were pure excitement and a memory that will last well past the summer I’m sure.

I then made my way to the screamer just in time to see two girls jump off the platform and soar through the trees! From the expression on their faces it sure looked like a lot of fun… as the two girls (Samantha and Kiera) were detached from the screamer, I heard them exclaiming in the distance to their friends “It’s so FUN, you totally have to do it, it was scary at first, but it was sooooooo FUN!”

Three campers enjoying scraping the sky and experiencing the WOOSH!

As I was making my way out of the challenge course, I ran into Jesse, Elise and Sydney who were enjoying watching their friend go through the “multi-vine” element. I asked them what their favorite activity was and Jesse and Elise said the Screamer! And Sydney said the Sky Scraper!!  The three of them are having so much fun at camp! We got to talking about Ben our speaker and what they thought of last nights time at the fireside… Elise said that “Ben is so funny, and his stories about Jesus were so cool!”  Yes, last night was a good time to be at the fireside for sure! Ben, our camp speaker for the week, shared some incredible stories about Jesus and how He healed a blind man, touched someone with leprosy  and took it away and so many other great stories! His enthusiasm is contagious! Later that night many campers wanted to hear more stories, so all over Qwanoes the stories of Jesus were being told from walking on the water, to feeding the 5000! What awesome stories!

Juniors 2 has 2 more days left, and they are going to be amazing! And then Staff Development Day on Saturday and then onto Junior Hight #2! Summer at Qwanoes, there’s nothing like it.

Ben our camp speaker sharing Jesus stories last night at the fireside!