The Sun Was Up & Smiles Were Everywhere At Qwanoes Open House!

Last Friday was a big day at Qwanoes as we were getting ready for some very special guests who we knew would be arriving in just hours! The camp was buzzing with activity with staff from every area of camp working together to make sure everything would be ready to go.  If you walked the grounds on Friday you would have seen somebody on every corner of the camp getting ready for Open House… cleaning tents, cutting grass, painting, finishing the expanded carpetball hut, moving the battle top arena, prepping food, hanging banners, weeding and cleaning, the list could go on and on!! You could just feel the energy and excitement around camp as the countdown to the Open House had started! We couldn’t wait to have everyone here soon!

Delicious BBQ out on the main field!

And then Saturday hit! If you were on the main field, it would have been quite an experience for you to see many, many, MANY people roll onto the grounds of Qwanoes! Everyone was ready for a day filled with adventure, and you could see it on their faces!  Qwanoes Open House had started and summer weather was here and we were ready to go!

The first of many campers to enjoy the NEW “Roadster”!

From the main field people spread out all over camp with many heading right down to Qwanoes Beach. “Castaway Castle” and the “Roadster” are NEW additions to Qwanoes beach… so new in fact that Castaway Castle had just arrived 2 days before! Within moments of people arriving at the beach they were behind the boats on the Roadster, on the Blob, all over Castaway Castle, in the Kayak Frenzies…Qwanoes Beach was officially open for summer 2010!

The expansion to our Carpet Ball Hut was another great addition to our activity line up that was unveiled during the Open House. The Carpetball Hut was DOUBLED in size and it was so much fun to see all 7 tables being played on! I saw many parents challenging their kids to a game! This will be a hot spot for our campers this summer.

The Battle Top Arena is in Club Coco!

Club Coco is always a nice cool place to hang out during the summer to enjoy a milkshake and play some games. The newest addition to our Club Coco game line-up is the Battle Top Arena! There is only one Battle Top Arena in all of Canada and it was played on for the first time right in Club Coco, at one point we had all 12 tops going at the same time!

The day of course included so much more…like tours, delicious food, great music and of course Q-Town! We ended our day with everyone packing out Q-Town and enjoying video highlights of the day, new Q-Town music, and rejoicing in all that God is going to do during Qwanoes summer 2010! As quick as the day began it came to an end with cars leaving and 7 busses heading to the ferry – it must have been some party on that ferry with over 300 people from Qwanoes heading back to the mainland!

Thanks to everyone who came out as our special guest, we loved having you here and we hope to see you again soon! A big thank you goes out to the staff team who did an incredible job in all areas!

Castaway Castle has arrived to Qwaneos Beach! What a beautiful summer day!
